Collage Project
You are invited to take part in a project for Strawberry Moon Magazine. I need a group of artists to take photos of themselves holding up their art journals! I will use them to make a collage and spell out a phrase.
The short version
- Fill out the form below to let me know you are interested
- Plan to take a square photo of yourself holding up an art journal with plain pages.
- When I send you the submission information, you’ll fill out a short form with info about yourself and upload your photo.
The details
Photo Guidelines
- Square photo of at least 2000px by 2000px
- At least some of your face should be visible
- The photo should be well lit
- The background should be as plain as possible, but can be light or dark
- The journal page(s) should take up approximately 1/3 of the photo, but that’s just a rough guideline. Basically it needs to be big enough that I can add a digital letter to it and have it be visible in a thumbnail.
- The journal pages can be anything that is a light, neutral color (white, cream, ivory, book page. It doesn’t actually have to be BLANK, it just needs to read as nearly white so that the added digital lettering shows up well. I used several different pages in the samples above, so you could get an idea of what I mean!
Thoughts about the selfie
I combed my hair and put on some makeup for the sample pictures I posted above, but you are welcome to do whatever feels best for you.
- You do not need to wear makeup or even comb your hair: do whatever feels most comfortable.
- You do not need to dress up.
- It can be a true selfie or you can have someone else take your photo.
- You don’t even have to smile.
- Just be your authentic self.
Other info
In addition to the photo, I will ask you to fill out a short survey about you as an art journaler. These short artist profiles will be used in the first issue of the magazine as a “meet the artists” gallery. You will also be able to include your instagram or website.
The resulting collage photo will be hopefully be used as the cover of the first issue, as well as on the Strawberry Moon Magazine website, and in promotional materials.
If this sounds like something you would like to do, please fill out the form below to indicate your interest and start thinking about your photo!
I need 20 photos, but if I receive more than that, I will do a random lottery to choose the photos for this project and will use the rest for something similar, but different in the same issue. I will keep you in the loop as that part of the process moves forward.
I am being a little vague about the end result, but if you are hesitant because you don’t want me to put something offensive on your photo….first off, don’t worry, it is completely innocuous, but if you want more information before you commit, send me an email at hello at strawberrymoon dot art.
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