Stay Afraid — Friday Inspiration #1
I thought that on Fridays, I would try to share inspiring quotes or provide prompts for art journaling. You are welcome to just read them and smile and if you are inspired to make something, even better!
To get started, I’m sharing one of the quotes that I keep close to my heart (which is why it’s on the home page of this very website):
Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.
Carrie Fisher
Creating this magazine is not really a logical choice on the face of it. But I feel called to do this and even though it’s a little scary (OK, a lot…), I have decided to follow that feeling and just do it. And the confidence is following.
If you art journal long enough, you start to repeat yourself. I recently discovered that I have used the phrase “keep going” at least 6 or 7 times in different journals over the last few years. I also have to include Princess Leia and/or Carrie Fisher in all of my journals, even if she just makes a tiny guest appearance.
I thought I’d share the different ways I have used this particular quote in books over time! If you do make something based on this quote, please be sure to share it and tag the Strawberry Moon Magazine account on Instagram!
Yes. I have given all of these girls space buns. Because I had to! It’s the Princess Leia!
I love this quote! So true! Reminds me of John Wayne’s quote – Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway!