Why Strawberry Moon?
It is incredibly tempting to answer that question with “why not” — but I am pretending to be a serious person here and don’t want to immediately ruin that image in the first sentence. Although, it occurs to me that it might be too late.
As I write this in August 2021, the idea of the magazine itself has been rattling around in my head for almost two years. But it wasn’t until just a few weeks ago that the name actually dawned on me. I had tried to avoid naming it because once you name something, it has a tendency to follow you home.
So many possibilities had run through my head. Puns? Something to do with art supplies? But which art supply — there are so many and I didn’t want to leave anything out! After seeing something about a magazine called The Turquoise Iris, I found myself thinking it would be fun to have a name that was a little whimsical and had nothing to actually do with art journaling (at least at first glance…)
That got mashed that up together with my increased awareness of the cycle of the moon and hearing that the June full moon* is called the strawberry moon. So, on one unremarkable day in July, it occurred to me that Strawberry Moon Magazine would be the perfect name for me to use.
Strawberries represent good luck, humility, kindness, fertility, modesty, goodwill, and happiness. The are juicy and sweet and remind us of the best parts of summer.
The moon represents the rhythm of time, gentleness, sensitivity, compassion, and connection with others. The full moon in particular is a time to celebrate growth, note progress and reflect on how far you have come.
If you swirl all of that together, you come up with the perfect summary of what I’m hoping to accomplish with Strawberry Moon Magazine.
We’ll be celebrating artists, reflecting on what art journaling is and where it is going. We’ll be doing it with sensitivity, kindness, goodwill, and compassion. We’ll be connecting readers with artists and each other. Hopefully we’ll bring some good luck and happiness to everyone involved.
So now we have a name and a logo and the magazine has definitely followed me home and my family says I can keep it. I’ll save the story about the logo for another day.
*It’s the strawberry moon in the northern hemisphere, where it’s the start of summer and the time when the strawberries are ready for harvest. June is also my birth month….
Such a sweet origin story! As a gardener (ie: strawberry grower) and lover of our beloved moon, fascinated by everything it does for us, this story made my heart so happy! I look forward to seeing what Strawberry Moon Art brings to our community. This is going to be great – I just know it!
I love the name and the whimsical image it brings to my mind. I’m ready….bring it on……I can hardly wait!
Hi. Can you get a subscription to this magazine mailed to you? I would like a regular magazine
At this time, I am not offering subscriptions, just taking orders for the magazine on an issue by issue basis. I am planning to implement subscriptions sometime later this year. There’s a lot to put in to place to make that happen and I want to make sure I do it right!
Thanks for asking!